मधुकर दहाल
असोज ११, काठमाडौं । बीमा समितिले चुक्ता पूँजी बढाउन बीमा कम्पनीहरूलाई निर्देशन दिएको छ । समितिको पछिल्लो निर्देशनअनुसार, २०७० असार मसान्तसम्ममा जीवन बीमा कम्पनीले चुक्ता पूँजी रू. ५० करोड र निर्जीवनले रू. २५ करोड पुर्याउनु पर्नेछ । हाल निर्जीवन बीमा कम्पनीको चुक्ता पूँजी कम्तीमा रू. १२ करोड र जीवनको रू. २५ करोड हुनुपर्ने बीमा ऐनमा व्यवस्था छ । बीमा कम्पनीहरूलाई चुक्ता पूँजी बढाउने निर्देशन मङ्गलवार जारी गरिएको समितिका प्रवक्ता शेखरकुमार अर्यालले जानकारी दिए ।
२०७० सम्ममा तोकिएको चुक्ता पूँजी नपुर्याएसम्म बीमा कम्पनीहरूलाई नगद लाभांश वितरण गर्न पनि निर्देशनले रोक लगाएको छ । 'कम्पनीहरूले चुक्ता पूँजी तोकिएबमोजिम नपुर्याउन्जेल केवल बोनस शेयर र अग्राधिकार शेयर मात्र बाँड्न पाउने व्यवस्था गरिएको छ,' समितिका कानून महाशाखा प्रमुखसमेत रहेका अर्यालले भने । पूँजी बढाउन सजिलो होस् भनेर यस्तो व्यवस्था गरिएको उनले बताए ।
बीमकहरूको जोखिम वहन तथा दायित्व भुक्तानी क्षमता बलियो बनाउन र बीमितको सुरक्षाका लागि पनि बीमा कम्पनीहरूले चुक्ता पूँजी बढाउन आवश्यक रहेको समितिले औंल्याएको छ । त्यस्तै, बीमा कम्पनीहरूलाई प्रस्तावित बीमा ऐन आएपछि त्यसमा भएका प्रावधानहरू लागू गर्न सजिलो होस् भनेर पनि अहिल्यैदेखि पूँजी बढाउन भनिएको समितिले बताएको छ । प्रस्तावित नयाँ बीमा ऐनबाट बीमा कम्पनीहरूको चुक्ता पूँजी जीवन र निर्जीवनका लागि क्रमश: रू. २ अर्ब र १ अर्ब हुनुपर्ने व्यवस्था गर्न लागिएको छ ।
अर्याल भन्छन्, 'पूँजी धेरै भएपछि बीमकको जोखिम वहन क्षमता पनि अधिक हुने भएकाले कम्पनीहरूले अहिलेको भन्दा थोरै पुनर्बीमा गराउने र यसले पुनर्बीमाका लागि विदेशिने रकम पनि कम हुनेछ ।'
त्यस्तै, कम्पनीहरूको पूँजीअनुसार जोखिम वहन क्षमताका आधारमा बीमा कारोबार गर्न पाउने रकमको सीमा पनि फराकिलो हुनेछ । संसारका अधिकांश देशमा बीमा कम्पनीलाई चुक्ता पूँजीको आकारका आधारमा कति रकमसम्मको बीमा व्यवसाय गर्न दिने भन्ने स्पष्ट कानूनी व्यवस्था तथा अभ्यास छ । 'हाल नेपालमा यस्तो अभ्यास छैन, रू. १० करोड पूँजी भएकाले पनि रू. १० अर्बको पनि बीमा कारोबार गरेका छन् । तर, प्रस्तावित बीमा ऐन आएपछि यो प्रावधान नेपालमा पनि लागू हुन्छ,' अर्यालले भने, 'त्यसैले कम्पनीहरूलाई ऐन आउनुअघि नै त्यसका लागि तयार पार्न पूँजी बढाउने निर्देशन दिएका हौं ।'
बीमा समितिले पछिल्लोपटक जीवन व्यवसाय सञ्चालनको अनुमति दिएका एशियन, सूर्या, गुराँस र प्राइम लाइफ इन्स्योरेन्स कम्पनीहरूको चुक्ता पूँजी अहिले नै रू. ५० करोड छ । उनीहरूलाई शुरूमै चुक्ता पूँजी रू. ५० करोड भएमात्र सञ्चालन अनुमति दिने भनिएकाले सो सीमा पुर्याएर व्यवसाय शुरू गरेको अर्यालले बताए । यीबाहेक ४ जीवन र १६ निर्जीवन बीमा कम्पनीले पूँजी बढाउनु पर्नेछ । साथै, जीवन तथा निर्जीवन दुवै बीमा व्यवसाय गर्ने राष्ट्रिय बीमा संस्थानले भने रू. ५० करोड पूँजी पुर्याउनु पर्नेछ ।
Admin 2011-09-29
Friday, September 30, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
बीमा समिति 'एक्चुअरी' उत्पादनको तयारीमा
भदौ २९, काठमाडौं । बीमा व्यवसायमा विविध प्राविधिक मूल्याङ्कनका लागि नभई नहुने 'एक्चुअरी' बीमा समिति आफैले उत्पादन गर्ने भएको छ । समितिले छात्रवृत्तिमा विभिन्न देशका 'एक्चुअरियल सोसाइटी'बाट नेपाली एक्चुअरी उत्पादनको आन्तरिक गृहकार्य थालेको हो । 'यसबारे अन्तरराष्ट्रिय विशेषज्ञसँग परामर्श गरी अर्को वर्षबाट एक्चुअरी उत्पादनको काम थाल्छौं,' समितिका प्रवक्ता शेखरकुमार अर्यालले भने ।
बीमा कम्पनीहरूको दीर्घकालीन प्रिमियम दर, बोनस, प्रतिफल दर (रेट अफ रिटर्न), सम्पत्ति व्यवस्थापन, दायित्व आदि मूल्याङ्कन तथा तय गर्न एक्चुअरी आवश्यक हुन्छ । समितिका अनुसार, बीमाक्षेत्रमा उच्च प्राविधिक मानिने एक्चुअरीको व्यावसायिक कोस अहिले दुई नेपालीले अध्ययन गरिरहेका छन् । तर, यो कोस उत्तीर्ण गरेका जनशक्ति नेपालमा हाल एकजना पनि छैनन् । त्यसैले, अधिकांश नेपाली बीमा कम्पनीहरूले भारतीय एक्चुअरीबाट काम गराइरहेका छन् । 'अहिले एक्चुअरी बीमा कम्पनीहरूको मात्र नभई राज्यकै आवश्यकता भएकाले यसको विकासलाई उच्च तहबाटै टुङ्ग्याउने गरी छलफल भइरहेको छ,' अर्यालले भने ।
समितिले एक्चुअरी पढाइने जनशक्ति आफ्नै संस्थाभित्रबाट, बीमा कम्पनीहरूमा कार्यरत तथा अन्य क्षेत्रका योग्य व्यक्ति गरी तीनओटा ढाँचाबाट ल्याउन सकिने बताएको छ । यी तीन विकल्पबाट एक्चुअरी हुनका लागि योग्य व्यक्ति छनोटको जिम्मा स्थापित एक्चुअरीलाई नै दिइने समितिले बताएको छ । अर्यालले भने, 'तोकिएका क्षेत्रबाट आउने इच्छुक व्यक्तिलाई शुरूमा एक्चुअरीबाटै परीक्षा लिएर मात्र यो कोस गर्न योग्य/अयोग्य हुने खुटयाइनेछ र योग्य देखिएकालाई छात्रवृत्तिमा पढाइनेछ ।' एक्चुअरी उत्पादनका लागि हुने खर्च, छात्रवृत्तिको ढाँचा, समितिले दिन सक्ने सेवा-सुविधा, कोसको अवधि, सो पूरा गरेपछि काम गर्नुपर्ने स्थान, एक्चुअरी हुनका लागि आवश्यक न्यूनतम शैक्षिक योग्यता, विवरण आदि निर्धारण गर्न भारतीय विशेषज्ञसँग छलफल अघि बढाइएको अर्यालले जानकारी दिए । एक्चुअरी कोस गर्न लाग्ने खर्चको केही प्रतिशत सम्बन्धित व्यक्तिले नै तिर्नुपर्ने व्यवस्था गर्न सकिने समितिले बताएको छ ।
बीमा समितिले 'एक्चुअरियल साइन्स'का विषयवस्तुलाई सामान्यरूपमा बुझ्न सक्ने जनशक्ति तयार गर्न २०६० सालबाटै विदेशी विज्ञबाट तालीम आयोजना गर्दै आएको छ । तर, यसबाट मात्र बीमाक्षेत्रका लागि आवश्यक 'एक्चुअरियल भ्यालुएशन' तथा सोको विश्लेषण सम्भव नहुने भएकाले समिति आफैले एक्चुअरी विकासको गृहकार्य थालेको अर्यालले बताए ।
हाल नेपालमा बीमा कम्पनीहरूले हरेक वर्ष'एक्चुअरियल भ्यालुएशन' गराउन सक्ने तथा बोनस निर्धारण ३/३ वर्षमा गर्नुपर्ने कानूनी प्रावधान छ । अन्तरराष्ट्रिय मान्यताअनुसार, हरेक बीमा कम्पनीले छुट्टाछुट्टै एक्चुअरी नियुक्त गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । तर, हालसम्म नेपाली कम्पनीहरू 'नियुक्त' नभएर 'परामर्शदाता' एक्चुअरीको मात्र अभ्यासमा छन् ।
भारत, अष्ट्रेलिया, अमेरिकालगायत देशका 'एक्चुअरियल सोसाइटी'ले बीमा एक्चुअरी विकास गर्दै आएका छन् । यीमध्ये कुनै पनि देशको सम्बन्धित निकायबाट कोस पूरा गर्ने एक्चुअरीले विश्वव्यापी मान्यता पाउँछन् ।
Admin 2011-09-16
बीमा कम्पनीहरूको दीर्घकालीन प्रिमियम दर, बोनस, प्रतिफल दर (रेट अफ रिटर्न), सम्पत्ति व्यवस्थापन, दायित्व आदि मूल्याङ्कन तथा तय गर्न एक्चुअरी आवश्यक हुन्छ । समितिका अनुसार, बीमाक्षेत्रमा उच्च प्राविधिक मानिने एक्चुअरीको व्यावसायिक कोस अहिले दुई नेपालीले अध्ययन गरिरहेका छन् । तर, यो कोस उत्तीर्ण गरेका जनशक्ति नेपालमा हाल एकजना पनि छैनन् । त्यसैले, अधिकांश नेपाली बीमा कम्पनीहरूले भारतीय एक्चुअरीबाट काम गराइरहेका छन् । 'अहिले एक्चुअरी बीमा कम्पनीहरूको मात्र नभई राज्यकै आवश्यकता भएकाले यसको विकासलाई उच्च तहबाटै टुङ्ग्याउने गरी छलफल भइरहेको छ,' अर्यालले भने ।
समितिले एक्चुअरी पढाइने जनशक्ति आफ्नै संस्थाभित्रबाट, बीमा कम्पनीहरूमा कार्यरत तथा अन्य क्षेत्रका योग्य व्यक्ति गरी तीनओटा ढाँचाबाट ल्याउन सकिने बताएको छ । यी तीन विकल्पबाट एक्चुअरी हुनका लागि योग्य व्यक्ति छनोटको जिम्मा स्थापित एक्चुअरीलाई नै दिइने समितिले बताएको छ । अर्यालले भने, 'तोकिएका क्षेत्रबाट आउने इच्छुक व्यक्तिलाई शुरूमा एक्चुअरीबाटै परीक्षा लिएर मात्र यो कोस गर्न योग्य/अयोग्य हुने खुटयाइनेछ र योग्य देखिएकालाई छात्रवृत्तिमा पढाइनेछ ।' एक्चुअरी उत्पादनका लागि हुने खर्च, छात्रवृत्तिको ढाँचा, समितिले दिन सक्ने सेवा-सुविधा, कोसको अवधि, सो पूरा गरेपछि काम गर्नुपर्ने स्थान, एक्चुअरी हुनका लागि आवश्यक न्यूनतम शैक्षिक योग्यता, विवरण आदि निर्धारण गर्न भारतीय विशेषज्ञसँग छलफल अघि बढाइएको अर्यालले जानकारी दिए । एक्चुअरी कोस गर्न लाग्ने खर्चको केही प्रतिशत सम्बन्धित व्यक्तिले नै तिर्नुपर्ने व्यवस्था गर्न सकिने समितिले बताएको छ ।
बीमा समितिले 'एक्चुअरियल साइन्स'का विषयवस्तुलाई सामान्यरूपमा बुझ्न सक्ने जनशक्ति तयार गर्न २०६० सालबाटै विदेशी विज्ञबाट तालीम आयोजना गर्दै आएको छ । तर, यसबाट मात्र बीमाक्षेत्रका लागि आवश्यक 'एक्चुअरियल भ्यालुएशन' तथा सोको विश्लेषण सम्भव नहुने भएकाले समिति आफैले एक्चुअरी विकासको गृहकार्य थालेको अर्यालले बताए ।
हाल नेपालमा बीमा कम्पनीहरूले हरेक वर्ष'एक्चुअरियल भ्यालुएशन' गराउन सक्ने तथा बोनस निर्धारण ३/३ वर्षमा गर्नुपर्ने कानूनी प्रावधान छ । अन्तरराष्ट्रिय मान्यताअनुसार, हरेक बीमा कम्पनीले छुट्टाछुट्टै एक्चुअरी नियुक्त गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । तर, हालसम्म नेपाली कम्पनीहरू 'नियुक्त' नभएर 'परामर्शदाता' एक्चुअरीको मात्र अभ्यासमा छन् ।
भारत, अष्ट्रेलिया, अमेरिकालगायत देशका 'एक्चुअरियल सोसाइटी'ले बीमा एक्चुअरी विकास गर्दै आएका छन् । यीमध्ये कुनै पनि देशको सम्बन्धित निकायबाट कोस पूरा गर्ने एक्चुअरीले विश्वव्यापी मान्यता पाउँछन् ।
Admin 2011-09-16
Monday, September 12, 2011
Insurance for civil servants to be expedited
KATHMANDU: Ministry of General Administration (MoGA) is to expedite the process for implementing health and accident insurance programme for civil servants.
As immediate relief programme package, MoGA has prioritised health and accident insurance scheme for government employees in coordination with Finance Ministry.
According to the relief package, MoGA will immediately start working with the Finance Ministry to implement the insurance scheme as proposed by a report submitted last month.
The report, which is under discussion at the Cabinet Committee, has proposed accident insurance worth Rs 5,00,000 and Health insurance up to Rs 300,000 for civil servants.
According to MoGA Spokesperson Binod KC, the ministry will soon discuss fiscal aspects of the programme with the Finance Ministry.
“Coordination with the Finance Ministry regarding the process and details is necessary as it is related to finances,” said KC.
In May, the government had, in principle, agreed to a proposal floated by the Ministry of General Administration (MoGA) to provide health insurance to civil servants, their spouses and children up to the age of 21 years.
Undersecretary at the ministry Kiran Sharma said the report was submitted as a pilot project insurance plan, which will make it easier for the government to introduce an insurance plan for the entire citizenry .
He also said insurance for civil servants would attract able and young candidates to public service besides promoting insurance business in the country.
According to the report, after the insurance scheme becomes effective, every government employee or their kin will be entitled to claim 100 per cent accident insurance amount if he/she is permanently disabled in an accident or dies due to the accident. It also provides cover for accidents caused due to the atomic radiation, and accidents during war.
The report also proposes certain per cent of accident insurance for permanent partial disability and temporary complete disability.
However suicide, ‘intentional’ accident, accident while inebriated, accident at a wheel race, horse race, bungee jumping, paragliding or other adventure sports are not covered.
Similarly, the proposed health insurance will cover expense of allopathic treatment of all ailments including general surgery, snake bite, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and treatment of accidental injuries as well as delivery cases.
However, the government health insurance scheme will not cover treatment expenses for venereal or sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS. It will also not cover the cost of change of sex and plastic surgery for aesthetic reasons, among others.
KATHMANDU: Ministry of General Administration (MoGA) is to expedite the process for implementing health and accident insurance programme for civil servants.
As immediate relief programme package, MoGA has prioritised health and accident insurance scheme for government employees in coordination with Finance Ministry.
According to the relief package, MoGA will immediately start working with the Finance Ministry to implement the insurance scheme as proposed by a report submitted last month.
The report, which is under discussion at the Cabinet Committee, has proposed accident insurance worth Rs 5,00,000 and Health insurance up to Rs 300,000 for civil servants.
According to MoGA Spokesperson Binod KC, the ministry will soon discuss fiscal aspects of the programme with the Finance Ministry.
“Coordination with the Finance Ministry regarding the process and details is necessary as it is related to finances,” said KC.
In May, the government had, in principle, agreed to a proposal floated by the Ministry of General Administration (MoGA) to provide health insurance to civil servants, their spouses and children up to the age of 21 years.
Undersecretary at the ministry Kiran Sharma said the report was submitted as a pilot project insurance plan, which will make it easier for the government to introduce an insurance plan for the entire citizenry .
He also said insurance for civil servants would attract able and young candidates to public service besides promoting insurance business in the country.
According to the report, after the insurance scheme becomes effective, every government employee or their kin will be entitled to claim 100 per cent accident insurance amount if he/she is permanently disabled in an accident or dies due to the accident. It also provides cover for accidents caused due to the atomic radiation, and accidents during war.
The report also proposes certain per cent of accident insurance for permanent partial disability and temporary complete disability.
However suicide, ‘intentional’ accident, accident while inebriated, accident at a wheel race, horse race, bungee jumping, paragliding or other adventure sports are not covered.
Similarly, the proposed health insurance will cover expense of allopathic treatment of all ailments including general surgery, snake bite, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and treatment of accidental injuries as well as delivery cases.
However, the government health insurance scheme will not cover treatment expenses for venereal or sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS. It will also not cover the cost of change of sex and plastic surgery for aesthetic reasons, among others.
Insurance Board to take a new leaf soon
KATHMANDU: The government has prepared to convert existing Insurance Board into Insurance Authority.
The Insurance Board has proposed to convert it into the authority to expand its jurisdiction in the next amendment of the Insurance Act, spokesperson at the Insurance Board Shekhar Kumar Aryal said. According to him, the board has also included some international standards in the proposed amendment in the Act.
The propose of amendment has been forwarded to the Finance Ministry and the ministry is submitting it to the cabinet for approval soon.”It will build the board capacity to regulate increasing insurance market,” he said.
The board has incorporated insurance principles, standards and guidance papers developed by International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in the proposed amendment of Insurance Act, he informed. The International Association of Insurance Supervisors is an international organisation that represents insurance regulators and supervisors of some 190 jurisdictions.
Insurance Board has also included the provision that the promoters of insurance company should not insure them in the company they have involved.
The proposed act will clarify different aspect related to insurance business including licensing criteria, company’s obligation, misuse and fraud control mechanism, safeguard the rights of insured and other relevant provisions, he said.
Similarly, the proposed amendment draft has also ensured the tight monitoring in insurance business, consumer protection mechanism, early warning system.
The Insurance Board has finalised the clauses for amendment with the help from international experts, spokesperson Aryal informed, saying a team from International Association of Insurance Supervisors had visited Nepal to assist the board to amend act as per international standard.
The act amendment process was delayed due to political instability.
KATHMANDU: The government has prepared to convert existing Insurance Board into Insurance Authority.
The Insurance Board has proposed to convert it into the authority to expand its jurisdiction in the next amendment of the Insurance Act, spokesperson at the Insurance Board Shekhar Kumar Aryal said. According to him, the board has also included some international standards in the proposed amendment in the Act.
The propose of amendment has been forwarded to the Finance Ministry and the ministry is submitting it to the cabinet for approval soon.”It will build the board capacity to regulate increasing insurance market,” he said.
The board has incorporated insurance principles, standards and guidance papers developed by International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in the proposed amendment of Insurance Act, he informed. The International Association of Insurance Supervisors is an international organisation that represents insurance regulators and supervisors of some 190 jurisdictions.
Insurance Board has also included the provision that the promoters of insurance company should not insure them in the company they have involved.
The proposed act will clarify different aspect related to insurance business including licensing criteria, company’s obligation, misuse and fraud control mechanism, safeguard the rights of insured and other relevant provisions, he said.
Similarly, the proposed amendment draft has also ensured the tight monitoring in insurance business, consumer protection mechanism, early warning system.
The Insurance Board has finalised the clauses for amendment with the help from international experts, spokesperson Aryal informed, saying a team from International Association of Insurance Supervisors had visited Nepal to assist the board to amend act as per international standard.
The act amendment process was delayed due to political instability.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Bhattarai inducts 13 more ministers
KATHMANDU: Thirteen ministers from UCPN-Maoist and United Democratic Madhesi Front joined Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai’s Cabinet today.
PM Bhattarai administered the oath of office and secrecy to them in the presence of President Dr Ram Baran Yadav at Shital Niwas this evening. However, four UDMF ministers were absent at the ceremony.
Maoist Vice-Chairman Narayan Kaji Shrestha sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister as the faction led by senior Vice-Chairman Mohan Baidhya decided to stay out of the government following serious dispute over handing over of the keys of arms containers.
CP Gajurel was expected to be the Deputy Prime Minister from Baidhya faction but when the group decided not to join, the DPM of former Jhala Nath Khanal cabinet was appointed.
During today’s oath-taking ceremony, Vice-President Paramananda Jha, CA Chairman Subas Chandra Nembang, heads of constitutional bodies, leaders of political parties, dignitaries and diplomats were present. Sarat Singh Bhandari, Neelam Barma, Jitendra Sonar and Dan Bahadur Chaudhari did not attend the ceremony.
• Narayan Kaji Shrestha : Deputy PM, Minister for Foreign Affairs
• JP Gupta: Minister for Information and Communications
• Hridayesh Tripathi: Physical Planning and Construction and Law Minister
• Posta Bahadur Bogati: Minister for Energy
• Top Bahadur Rayamajhi: Local Development Minister
• Rajendra Mahato: Minister for Health and Population
• Barshaman Pun: Minister for Finance
• Mahendra P Yadav: Minister for Irrigation, Women and Children and Social Welfare
• Prabhu Sah: Minister for Land Reforms
• Nandan Kumar Dutta: Minister for Agriculture
• Kamala Rokka: Minister for Youth and Sports
• Rajlal Yadav : Minister without portfolio
• Mohammad Okil Musalman: Forest and Soil Conservation Minister
• Sarat Singh Bhandari: Minister for Defence
• Neelam Barma: Minister for Environment
• Jitendra Sonar: Minister for Law and Justice
• Dan Bahadur Chaudhari: Minister for Women and Children
KATHMANDU: Thirteen ministers from UCPN-Maoist and United Democratic Madhesi Front joined Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai’s Cabinet today.
PM Bhattarai administered the oath of office and secrecy to them in the presence of President Dr Ram Baran Yadav at Shital Niwas this evening. However, four UDMF ministers were absent at the ceremony.
Maoist Vice-Chairman Narayan Kaji Shrestha sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister as the faction led by senior Vice-Chairman Mohan Baidhya decided to stay out of the government following serious dispute over handing over of the keys of arms containers.
CP Gajurel was expected to be the Deputy Prime Minister from Baidhya faction but when the group decided not to join, the DPM of former Jhala Nath Khanal cabinet was appointed.
During today’s oath-taking ceremony, Vice-President Paramananda Jha, CA Chairman Subas Chandra Nembang, heads of constitutional bodies, leaders of political parties, dignitaries and diplomats were present. Sarat Singh Bhandari, Neelam Barma, Jitendra Sonar and Dan Bahadur Chaudhari did not attend the ceremony.
• Narayan Kaji Shrestha : Deputy PM, Minister for Foreign Affairs
• JP Gupta: Minister for Information and Communications
• Hridayesh Tripathi: Physical Planning and Construction and Law Minister
• Posta Bahadur Bogati: Minister for Energy
• Top Bahadur Rayamajhi: Local Development Minister
• Rajendra Mahato: Minister for Health and Population
• Barshaman Pun: Minister for Finance
• Mahendra P Yadav: Minister for Irrigation, Women and Children and Social Welfare
• Prabhu Sah: Minister for Land Reforms
• Nandan Kumar Dutta: Minister for Agriculture
• Kamala Rokka: Minister for Youth and Sports
• Rajlal Yadav : Minister without portfolio
• Mohammad Okil Musalman: Forest and Soil Conservation Minister
• Sarat Singh Bhandari: Minister for Defence
• Neelam Barma: Minister for Environment
• Jitendra Sonar: Minister for Law and Justice
• Dan Bahadur Chaudhari: Minister for Women and Children
Baidhya faction refuses to budge or join government
KATHMANDU: The UCPN-Maoist faction led by senior Vice-Chairman Mohan Baidhya today ruled out any compromise until the “true intention”of Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai becomes clear.
“Since the first step of Prime Minister Bhattarai has aroused suspicion within party’s rank and file, we will now wait and see how Dahal and Bhattarai deal with the modality of army integration,” said Standing Committee member Dev Gurung.
He claimed that his faction was never against the peace process and new constitution and would not hamper the process unless that fails to ensure respectable integration of PLA.
As the Baidhya faction refused to join the government, speculations are rife that they would create problems on peace process. “We will seek explanations from both the leaders on modality, group entry and combatant role of the PLA,” he said.
The faction, who had proposed secretary CP Gajurel to be inducted as DPM and Foreign Minister, decided to stay out of the government after Dahal and Bhattarai refused to wait for a few more days.
Today’s Standing Committee meeting decided to call Central Committee meeting on September 19 to sort out the controversy on handing over of arms container keys.
Baidhya faction has been claiming that Bhattarai’s move to hand over arms containers was a ploy to make PLA surrender by accepting the concept of DDR — Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration — which they claim was against the Comprehensive Peace Accord and Interim Constitution.
Speaking at a function earlier today, politburo member Haribol Gajurel, close aide of Chairman Dahal, however, claimed that party would punish Baidhya and his associates if they refused to accept their mistakes.
“Since the first step of Prime Minister Bhattarai has aroused suspicion within party’s rank and file, we will now wait and see how Dahal and Bhattarai deal with the modality of army integration,” said Standing Committee member Dev Gurung.
He claimed that his faction was never against the peace process and new constitution and would not hamper the process unless that fails to ensure respectable integration of PLA.
As the Baidhya faction refused to join the government, speculations are rife that they would create problems on peace process. “We will seek explanations from both the leaders on modality, group entry and combatant role of the PLA,” he said.
The faction, who had proposed secretary CP Gajurel to be inducted as DPM and Foreign Minister, decided to stay out of the government after Dahal and Bhattarai refused to wait for a few more days.
Today’s Standing Committee meeting decided to call Central Committee meeting on September 19 to sort out the controversy on handing over of arms container keys.
Baidhya faction has been claiming that Bhattarai’s move to hand over arms containers was a ploy to make PLA surrender by accepting the concept of DDR — Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration — which they claim was against the Comprehensive Peace Accord and Interim Constitution.
Speaking at a function earlier today, politburo member Haribol Gajurel, close aide of Chairman Dahal, however, claimed that party would punish Baidhya and his associates if they refused to accept their mistakes.
DRI uncovers new cases of IC abuse
KATHMANDU, Sept 5: The Department of Revenue Investigation (DRI) on Sunday has found two firms of misappropriating an additional Rs 207 million worth of Indian currency (IC) by producing fake customs declaration forms and demand drafts without actually importing the goods.
“Digital World and Maxwell Computer have been suspected of misappropriating an additional Rs 130 million and Rs 77.6 million from NIC Bank between February 24 to September 2 and May 15 to September 2 respectively, producing fake documents,” Shanta Bahadur Shrestha, director general of DRI told Republica.
He said traders were using clandestine ways to siphon off the hard earned IC amid the tight policy of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB).
A joint investigation carried out by DRI and Parsa District Police on Wednesday had found Maxwell Computer, Shyam Galla Bhandar, Jaya Matadi International, Digital World and GS Traders of producing nine fake customs declaration forms to siphon off IC worth Rs 460 million from the Birgunj branch of NIC Bank over the last six months.
With the unfolding of these cases, the total misappropriation of IC by these firms now stands at over Rs 660 million.
Police has already sent Kul Bhusan Mishra, Suresh Mishra, Sandeep Sah, Arabinda Kumar Sah and Ramesh Kumar Sah, suspected of involvement in the misappropriation of IC, to judicial custody after arresting them in possession of IRs 7.5 million. Preliminary investigation shows that the firms they represent have not imported goods as claimed in the customs declaration forms.
“What´s more, we couldn´t even find the physical existence of the firms during our four-day investigation,” said Shrestha.
Suspected misappropriation of IC worth over Rs 660m
Five firms involved
No physical existence of firms´ offices
Experts from NRB, DoC to assist investigation
DRI has formed a seven-member investigation team led by Mohan Lal Chand on Sunday. The team also includes experts from NRB and DoC.
“We couldn´t find any physical proof of the import of the goods. The bank statement, customs declaration forms and demand drafts submitted by the traders do not match,” Shrestha added. He said action would be taken against them as per the Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act.
“Digital World and Maxwell Computer have been suspected of misappropriating an additional Rs 130 million and Rs 77.6 million from NIC Bank between February 24 to September 2 and May 15 to September 2 respectively, producing fake documents,” Shanta Bahadur Shrestha, director general of DRI told Republica.
He said traders were using clandestine ways to siphon off the hard earned IC amid the tight policy of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB).
A joint investigation carried out by DRI and Parsa District Police on Wednesday had found Maxwell Computer, Shyam Galla Bhandar, Jaya Matadi International, Digital World and GS Traders of producing nine fake customs declaration forms to siphon off IC worth Rs 460 million from the Birgunj branch of NIC Bank over the last six months.
With the unfolding of these cases, the total misappropriation of IC by these firms now stands at over Rs 660 million.
Police has already sent Kul Bhusan Mishra, Suresh Mishra, Sandeep Sah, Arabinda Kumar Sah and Ramesh Kumar Sah, suspected of involvement in the misappropriation of IC, to judicial custody after arresting them in possession of IRs 7.5 million. Preliminary investigation shows that the firms they represent have not imported goods as claimed in the customs declaration forms.
“What´s more, we couldn´t even find the physical existence of the firms during our four-day investigation,” said Shrestha.
Suspected misappropriation of IC worth over Rs 660m
Five firms involved
No physical existence of firms´ offices
Experts from NRB, DoC to assist investigation
DRI has formed a seven-member investigation team led by Mohan Lal Chand on Sunday. The team also includes experts from NRB and DoC.
“We couldn´t find any physical proof of the import of the goods. The bank statement, customs declaration forms and demand drafts submitted by the traders do not match,” Shrestha added. He said action would be taken against them as per the Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act.
Cabinet gets 13 ministers
KATHMANDU, Sept 5: A week after being elected the prime minister, Dr Baburam Bhattarai on Sunday expanded his two-member cabinet, inducting 13 ministers, including a deputy prime minister.
As the Mohan Baidya faction of the Maoist party did not join the government, Maoist Vice-chairman Narayankaji Shrestha has been appointed the deputy prime minister and minister for foreign affairs. UCPN (M) Secretary CP Gajurel was supposed to get Shrestha´s portfolios.
The Baidya faction is likely not to join the government until the central committee resolves the dispute over the handover of the keys of arm containers to the Special Committee. However, all the major ministries have already been taken in the cabinet expansion on Sunday.
Three newly appointed ministers Post Bahadur Bogart, Barshaman Pun and Kamal Roka are close to Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal while Top Bahadur Rayamajhi and Prabhu Sah are from the Bhattarai faction. Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha is the sole member from the faction he leads in the party.
The prime minister administered the oath office and secrecy to six ministers from the UCPN (Maoist) and eight ministers from the United Democratic Madhesi Front in the presence of President Dr Ram Baran Yadav amid a function at Shital Niwas.
MPRF-D minister-nominees skip oath
Two minister-nominees from Madhesi People´s Rights Forum- Democratic (MPRF-D) skipped the swearing-in ceremony on Sunday following criticism in the party over their nomination.
Sarat Singh Bhandari and Nilam Verma did not take oath of office and secrecy as party Chairman Bijay Gachchhdar had nominated them for defense and environment portfolios respectively despite strong objection from central leaders of the party.
According to sources, most of the central leaders had proposed other names as Bhandari has already served as a minister while Verma has been accused of misusing his diplomatic passport.
“Despite our protest, the chairman nominated Verma and Bhandari. The two minister-nominees did not attend the swearing-in ceremony due to protest in the party,” said a senior leader requesting anonymity. Bhandari and Verma were not available for comments.
However, Ramjanam Chaudhari, chief whip of MPRF-D, claimed the party had taken no decision to nominate Bhandari and Verma.
“Our chairman has not even consulted other party leaders. How did the names appear in the media?” Chaudhari added.
Meanwhile, the central committee of Tarai Madhes Democratic Party-Nepal (TMDP-N) has authorized Chairman Mahendra Yadav to pick minister-nominees as the party has failed to pick cosensus candidates.
Similarly, Tarai Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP) is yet to nominate candidate for the ministerial portfolio allocated to the party. The TMDP central committee has authorized Chairman Mahantha Thakur to nominate the ministerial candidate.
TMDP and TMDP-N have been allocated four ministries. However, only two ministers from the parties took oath of office and secrecy on Sunday.
KATHMANDU, Sept 5: A week after being elected the prime minister, Dr Baburam Bhattarai on Sunday expanded his two-member cabinet, inducting 13 ministers, including a deputy prime minister.
As the Mohan Baidya faction of the Maoist party did not join the government, Maoist Vice-chairman Narayankaji Shrestha has been appointed the deputy prime minister and minister for foreign affairs. UCPN (M) Secretary CP Gajurel was supposed to get Shrestha´s portfolios.
The Baidya faction is likely not to join the government until the central committee resolves the dispute over the handover of the keys of arm containers to the Special Committee. However, all the major ministries have already been taken in the cabinet expansion on Sunday.
Three newly appointed ministers Post Bahadur Bogart, Barshaman Pun and Kamal Roka are close to Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal while Top Bahadur Rayamajhi and Prabhu Sah are from the Bhattarai faction. Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha is the sole member from the faction he leads in the party.
The prime minister administered the oath office and secrecy to six ministers from the UCPN (Maoist) and eight ministers from the United Democratic Madhesi Front in the presence of President Dr Ram Baran Yadav amid a function at Shital Niwas.
MPRF-D minister-nominees skip oath
Two minister-nominees from Madhesi People´s Rights Forum- Democratic (MPRF-D) skipped the swearing-in ceremony on Sunday following criticism in the party over their nomination.
Sarat Singh Bhandari and Nilam Verma did not take oath of office and secrecy as party Chairman Bijay Gachchhdar had nominated them for defense and environment portfolios respectively despite strong objection from central leaders of the party.
According to sources, most of the central leaders had proposed other names as Bhandari has already served as a minister while Verma has been accused of misusing his diplomatic passport.
“Despite our protest, the chairman nominated Verma and Bhandari. The two minister-nominees did not attend the swearing-in ceremony due to protest in the party,” said a senior leader requesting anonymity. Bhandari and Verma were not available for comments.
However, Ramjanam Chaudhari, chief whip of MPRF-D, claimed the party had taken no decision to nominate Bhandari and Verma.
“Our chairman has not even consulted other party leaders. How did the names appear in the media?” Chaudhari added.
Meanwhile, the central committee of Tarai Madhes Democratic Party-Nepal (TMDP-N) has authorized Chairman Mahendra Yadav to pick minister-nominees as the party has failed to pick cosensus candidates.
Similarly, Tarai Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP) is yet to nominate candidate for the ministerial portfolio allocated to the party. The TMDP central committee has authorized Chairman Mahantha Thakur to nominate the ministerial candidate.
TMDP and TMDP-N have been allocated four ministries. However, only two ministers from the parties took oath of office and secrecy on Sunday.
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